> 春节2024 > 过年贴英文对联吗




Spring Festival couplets, commonly known as the door sub, are a traditional custom during the Chinese New Year. Every year, families in China paste these couplets on their doors to bring blessings and good luck into their homes. It is believed that the couplets can ward off evil spirits and attract wealth and prosperity.


Here are a few English couplets related to the Chinese New Year:

1. Time is a vexation, come up roll n roll.

In this couplet, the first line expresses the challenges and difficulties that one may face in life. The second line suggests that one should continue to persevere and move forward despite these challenges.

2. Life is a struggle, have 2 step by 1 step.

This couplet emphasizes the importance of taking small steps and making consistent efforts in order to achieve success and overcome obstacles in life.

These couplets convey the traditional values of perseverance and resilience, reminding people to stay determined and optimistic in the face of adversity.


During the Chinese New Year, it is a common tradition for families to paste Spring Festival couplets on their doors. These couplets are usually written on red paper and contain auspicious phrases and blessings. They are believed to bring good luck and drive away negative energy. The act of pasting Spring Festival couplets is a way for people to welcome the New Year and create a festive atmosphere. It is also a symbol of hope and optimism for the year ahead.


Here are some English phrases related to the Chinese New Year:

1. Lantern hanging - This refers to the tradition of hanging lanterns during the Chinese New Year, symbolizing brightness and good fortune.

2. Eat a year\'s dinner - This phrase represents the tradition of having a festive meal with family and loved ones on New Year\'s Eve, symbolizing unity and abundance.

3. Plaster couplet - This phrase describes the act of pasting Spring Festival couplets on doors, which is believed to bring blessings and good luck.

4. Set off firecrackers - This phrase refers to the tradition of setting off firecrackers and fireworks during the Chinese New Year as a way to ward off evil spirits and bring in good fortune.

5. Plaster window decorations and \"Fu\" upside down - This phrase describes the practice of decorating windows with paper-cut decorations and hanging the Chinese character \"福\" (Fu) upside down, which is believed to bring good luck and blessings.

These phrases represent the rich cultural traditions and customs associated with the Chinese New Year.


Here is an English couplet related to the Chinese New Year:

Obliging has hundred lucks, Safe two character value daughter.

This couplet conveys the idea that being kind and obliging to others can bring about good fortune and safety. It emphasizes the importance of kindness and compassion in building harmonious relationships and a prosperous society.


Here are some English Spring Festival couplets:

1. Time is a vexation, come up roll n roll.

This couplet reflects on the fleeting nature of time and encourages people to make the most of every moment in life.

2. Life is a struggle, have 2 step by 1 step.

This couplet highlights the challenges and difficulties one may face in life, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and taking things step by step.

These couplets express the universal themes of time, life, and the pursuit of happiness, bridging the cultural gap with their English translations while preserving the traditional essence of Chinese couplets.

“在春节前一天人们在贴春联挂灯笼”用英语怎么说? - cristi...

The day before the Spring Festival, people are putting up couplets and hanging lanterns.

This sentence describes the customs of pasting Spring Festival couplets and hanging lanterns on the day before the Chinese New Year. These activities create a festive atmosphere and add to the excitement and anticipation of the upcoming celebrations.


Here are a couple of English Spring Festival couplets:

1. Good year and view following the spring.

This couplet expresses the wish for a prosperous and joyful year ahead, with good fortune and beautiful sights accompanying the arrival of spring.

2. Happiness and health are with sense.

This couplet conveys the importance of happiness and good health, which are indispensable elements for a fulfilling life.

The choice of words in these couplets reflects the traditional values and blessings associated with the Chinese New Year.


With the global spread of Chinese people and culture, the tradition of pasting Spring Festival couplets can be found in many countries around the world where there is a significant Chinese population. The custom of pasting Spring Festival couplets originated during the Song Dynasty and became popular during the Ming Dynasty. It has continued to be a widely practiced tradition during the Chinese New Year.

The universal appeal of Spring Festival couplets lies in their ability to bring people together and create a sense of cultural heritage and identity. The practice of pasting couplets transcends national boundaries and serves as a bridge between different cultures, fostering mutual understanding and appreciation.


Here are some English Spring Festival couplets:

1. Time is a vexation, come up roll n roll.

2. Life is a struggle, have 2 step by 1 step.

In these couplets, each line consists of two sets of six words, conveying the themes of time, life, and perseverance. The brevity and conciseness of these couplets allow for easy understanding and interpretation, making them suitable for various settings and occasions.